Violation of Probation Lawyer in Bensalem, PA

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If you have been charged with violating your probation or parole, you could face a return to jail or prison. A violation of probation lawyer in Bensalem, PA can help you get past this charge and move on with your life. At McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., our team has a long track record of keeping our clients from having their parole revoked.

Our founding attorney at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., is former prosecutor David McKenzie. He spent years working on the other side, so he can anticipate and counter any tactic the prosecution uses against you. We want to protect your rights and help put this situation behind you. For a free case evaluation with a member of our staff, call us at 610-680-7842.

What Happens After a Violation of Probation Conviction?

The consequences of violating your probation in Pennsylvania can be severe. The worst: your probation is revoked, and you are sent back to jail. It depends in large part on if you have been charged with a direct violation of probation or a technical violation of probation.

Direct Violation of Probation

If you are charged with a direct violation of probation, it means you allegedly committed a criminal offense while on probation for a previous criminal conviction. For instance, you were convicted of vandalism and received a year of probation instead of jail time. During that year, you were arrested for DUI. This is a direct violation of probation because the DUI charge is a new offense not connected to your previous vandalism conviction.

A direct violation of probation charge can leave you facing consequences for three separate crimes: the new offense, the violation of probation charge, and the original offense, for which you may have to return to jail if your probation is revoked.

Technical Violation of Probation

If you are charged with a technical violation of probation, it means you failed to satisfy the terms of your probation. These technical violations may include:

  • Missing a meeting with your probation officer
  • Missing a court hearing
  • Not doing your required community service
  • Not paying fines you were assessed
  • Failing a drug or alcohol screen
  • Not attending AA meetings or other required therapy sessions
  • Leaving the city or state without permission from your probation officer
  • Associating with people you are barred from seeing or contacting

Technical probation violations can often result from honest mistakes rather than intentional wrongdoing. For example, a client may have attended a family function in a neighboring town, and is charged with violation of probation when his P.O. checks in and realizes he left the city limits.

Whether your alleged violation of probation was technical or direct, and no matter the circumstances, we want to hear from you. We can help you understand the details of your charge and how it applies to the terms of your probation. Call 610-680-7842 for a free case evaluation with McKenzie Law Firm, P.C.

Accused of Violating Your Parole? We Can Help You, Too

David McKenzie and the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. have a strong track record of defending clients charged with violating both their probation and their parole.

Were you a prisoner released on parole and later charged with violating that parole? If so, we can defend you and fight to keep you from going back to prison.

The biggest similarity between a violation of probation and a violation of parole charge is that a conviction may result in a return to confinement—which is the first thing we try to avoid when we defend you. To speak with a member of McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. about your violation of parole charge, call 610-680-7842.

First time probation violation

Our Team Fights to Keep You Out of Jail

If you are facing charges of violating your probation or parole, take action right away. You could have your probation or parole revoked and end up back in confinement if you don’t fight this charge aggressively.

A direct violation, one involving a subsequent crime, can result in being held in detention until your hearing date. The first thing we do when we take your case is file a petition to keep you from being detained until you have a fair hearing.

A violation of probation lawyer in Bensalem can help no matter the circumstances of your case. We file the necessary paperwork to keep you out of jail. Then, we get to work on preparing you for your hearing. This hearing determines if your probation is revoked and you return to jail.

The Violation of Probation Hearing

Anyone charged with violation of probation in Pennsylvania—whether technical or direct—has the right to a hearing. At this hearing, you can plead your case for why the judge should not revoke your probation. You have the right to have an attorney present.

Your performance at this hearing determines whether you emerge free, with your probation intact, or your probation is revoked, and the judge sends you to jail. We help you prepare, and, on the date of the hearing, we advocate for you and put forward a persuasive case on your behalf.

Call 610-680-7842 Today to See How a Violation of Probation Lawyer in Bensalem Can Help You

David McKenzie and the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., team are ready and eager to get to work for you today. We defend you against your violation of probation charge and fight to keep you out of jail. To learn how a violation of probation attorney in Bensalem from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. can help you move past your charge, call us today for a free case evaluation: 610-680-7842.

Bensalem Practice Areas
  • DUI
  • Gun Crime
  • Juvenile Criminal Defense
  • Violation Of Probation
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