Warwick Traffic Crimes Lawyer

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When you receive a traffic ticket, you may think it will not affect your life all that much. However, if your traffic violation is an especially serious one, or if you had multiple tickets in the recent past, admitting guilt for this violation could lead to significant penalties for you.

Rather than accepting guilt, you can hire our traffic violations attorney in Warwick, PA, to present your side of the story. Our team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., will work diligently toward getting the penalties reduced or the ticket dismissed.

Understanding the Serious Nature of Certain Traffic Violations

Pennsylvania uses a point system to track the performance of the state’s licensed drivers. You can find a schedule of convictions and points at 75 Pa. C.S.A. § 1535. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), drivers who repeatedly violate the state’s traffic laws and pay traffic tickets may eventually accumulate enough points to receive penalties beyond the ticket, including:

  • Suspension of their driver’s license
  • A mandatory examination
  • Testifying at legal hearings about the status of your driver’s license

This means one simple speeding ticket could result in major penalties for the driver if it comes on the heels of a few other speeding tickets. 

Our Warwick, PA, Traffic Violations Lawyer Will Work to Help You Avoid the Harshest Penalties

By hiring McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., you allow us to work on your behalf to eliminate or reduce the severity of your traffic tickets. You may not believe you need us for your current traffic ticket, but it can be smarter to fight this ticket now rather than worrying about surpassing the driver’s license point threshold after a future traffic violation.

Our team serving Warwick, PA, focuses on keeping our clients updated on the status of their cases at all times. Once you hire us, we will be available to answer questions through texting, email, telephone calls, social media contacts, and face-to-face meetings.

We Will Defend You Against Any Kind of Traffic Violation 

Our Pennsylvania traffic ticket defense attorney helps our clients with all kinds of traffic tickets. We understand the desire of some people to simply pay for the traffic ticket as quickly as possible to avoid having to deal with it any longer.

Once you pay the ticket, however, you are admitting guilt to the traffic violation. Should you end up with more tickets in the near future or surpass the state’s point threshold, we cannot help you with tickets that you have already paid.

Some Traffic Convictions Carry an Immediate Driver’s License Suspension Penalty

When you receive a traffic ticket for certain violations, you could immediately lose your license after accepting guilt. According to PennDOT, some of the most serious traffic violations in the state include:

  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Committing a homicide with a vehicle
  • Reckless driving
  • Fleeing from a law enforcement officer
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Committing a hit-and-run accident
  • Failure to stop for a school bus with its lights flashing
  • Failure to obey the traffic signals at a railroad crossing

Even though these traffic violations carry the most severe penalties, even three or four speeding tickets can add up quickly, leaving you potentially facing a license suspension. We are always ready to help you defend yourself from any charges involving traffic violation accusations.

What Should I Do When I Receive Multiple Traffic Tickets in One Stop? 

One of the toughest situations a driver can encounter from a legal standpoint occurs when police end up issuing several traffic tickets from a single incident or traffic stop. All of these tickets could result in a huge total fine, leaving you with financial hardship.

Additionally, should you accept guilt on all of the tickets, you may end up surpassing the points threshold and losing your driver’s license.

We Will Aim to Reduce the Number of Tickets You Received

Typically, our strategy in a situation like this is to negotiate with the prosecutor. Perhaps we will advise accepting guilt for one or two of the tickets in exchange for a dismissal of the other tickets. This strategy can save you quite a bit of money and may keep you below the points threshold.

Understand that after studying your case, we will make recommendations on how to proceed. However, the final decision on what to do always rests with you.

Upper Moreland Traffic Crimes Lawyer

Our Traffic Ticket Attorney in Warwick, PA, Will Defend You Against Drunk Driving Charges

After recent changes in Pennsylvania’s drunk driving laws, as outlined in state statute Chapter 38, drivers accused of this traffic crime can have a hard time avoiding the most serious penalties. 

Our Chester County DUI lawyer will defend your rights should you decide to hire our team. State prosecutors have a focus on achieving convictions. This means they may not listen to your side of the story as closely as they should. When you hire us, we will make sure the court understands exactly what happened from your perspective.

Challenging the Officer’s Version of the Story

When police officers pull a driver over, they must follow specific steps to determine whether the driver was violating the state’s traffic laws, especially DUI laws. Police must follow these guidelines. If they do not, you could end up with inappropriate charges that do not reflect what actually happened. If the police make a mistake at any point along the way, it could invalidate the charges against you.

Our team will study the facts in your traffic case as closely as we can. We will delve into the police report as thoroughly as possible, looking for any discrepancies, and we will review any video footage from the scene. 

Our Traffic Violations Lawyer Can Fight for the Best Possible Outcome in Your Case 

When you work with McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., your case will receive the attention to detail it deserves. We never apply a one-size-fits-all approach to our cases. We tailor a legal strategy to suit your unique situation. We promise to aim for the best possible outcome for your case. 

We understand the consequences that a traffic crime conviction can have on your life. A suspended license, for example, can interfere with your work. Take your traffic crime case seriously and begin building your defense as soon as possible. 

Count on Our Pennsylvania Traffic Ticket Lawyer to Protect Your Rights

If you believe law enforcement officers in Chester County, PA, did not treat you fairly when issuing you a ticket for a traffic violation, McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., is ready to help. We do not back down from tough cases.

Contact our team as soon as possible to discuss the facts in your case during a free consultation. A representative is available 24/7 to discuss your legal matter.

Warwick Practice Areas
  • DUI Defense
  • Traffic Crimes
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